Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

my fashionable oFFice

Presenting u my fashionable(and chaos cos it's messy, clothes r everywhere) office.... should i be proud? should u be jealous? we'll see... happy working!!! oh, some of u maybe surprise with my outfit in work, veryyy casual! hahaha..that's why i love working at fashion industry, everybody wear flip flop ,tank top, mini skirt,or dress,etc..^^i show u my messy desk,the pic of fashion devision office ( we have 4 rooms here,one for our blonde boss a.k.a mak e and her PA and her manager, one for fashion devision, one for graphic, and last one for marketing)... oh,i also took a pic of the view from (sawahhh bookk)
yup,this is my desk! full of PO, clothes that will go to sale shop, and manyyy other things...

this is fashion devision rooms, thats wika , our bambini and girls designer...^^

it's meeting room....kayak akuarium yak???hehehe

this is the view, bisa diliat dr meeting room, ruangan bos, sayangnya ga bisa diliat dr ruangan fashion ,hiksss;((

the end~

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